Igor sehic 14 hr
Igor Šehić

Igor Šehić

Mr. Sea Guy

Watch the story

  • Igor Šehić

>>I have travelled almost everywhere, but what you find in Lošinj you find nowhere else in the world.<<

One day while drinking coffee before work I realised that this was not the life I had dreamed of.

I'm not an office guy, and I was living for the weekend, which I would spend outdoors. After living in Brazil for 2 years, I realised that you need very little to be happy. So now my job is on Lošinj, my "office" is the forests that I cycle in, the sea that I dive in and explore the sea bed, the kayak that I use to explore the Lošinj shore, and the boat that I sail and look for dolphins and undiscovered islands.

>>It's an amazing feeling to drink coffee by the seaside in the morning and see dolphins and griffon vultures almost every day.<<

This looks like a perfect life to me. At the beginning of course it wasn't easy, as I was risking my life savings and my family's existence. But I knew I didn't want to be a bad role model for my son by being a father who worked in a job that didn't make him happy. I just want to show that anything in life is possible, but only if you really want it and you really love it.

>>I'm not an office guy, my office is the forests and the sea.<<

Nothing on earth can replace the smiles, happiness and satisfaction of the people whom I have guided and helped explore and discover every square metre of the island. They often tell me I have a dream job and that I should appreciate it. I do appreciate it and I enjoy every day.

People are made to explore and learn outdoors. Therefore you should do everything you can to be happy, since fear is just a means to be cautious on your way to your goal, and is in no way intended to prevent you from achieving it.


If you are looking for the future, grab a Cockta and check the mirror – it is you. You and all those bold, authentic, free spiritst that have the guts, love and passion to make it happen. Cockta is there for all of you – and you are here, at the door to the future. Open it!