Hrvoje lepen 3 mo sl
Hrvoje Lepen

Hrvoje Lepen

Football freestyler, student and car rental salesman

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  • Hrvoje Lepen

»I have my objective and I stick to it firmly, my determination has no limits – I know my objectives very well.«

My love of the ball goes beyond a normal hobby, and I train all my free time. The ball is my life choice, and gravitation is the greatest challenge.

In my early childhood, during football training quite by chance I started doing various neck-breaking tricks with the ball, which I liked so much that I watched famous footballers on YouTube and learned from them. I spend hours watching how others do a particular trick, then I get to work and try to repeat it. When the lads see me, they're enthusiastic, but sadly it doesn't spark the girls – they're not interested, so I will have to try other ways to get their attention. My family supports me, but my mum set a boundary – no ball in the house. I completely understand her, since I broke quite a few things training at home, so she put a permanent veto on the ball even entering the house.

»My mum is patient, but she banned the ball at home, because I broke too many things during my enthusiastic practices.«

I realise that I'm not the best, that there are people better than me, but I don't care. I think I can get some major results through perseverance. There isn't a lot of money or steady income in freestyling, but that won't prevent me from continuing to try. It's impossible to describe the moment when I finally get a trick right after tough hours of training and a lot of effort.

My life is very busy, but I don't know how to live any other way: in the morning I have work, training and uni, then in the evening I continue training. I take time for myself at the weekend. Anyone who knows me, knows what this means – I get the ball and train again. My friends often say I should drop it and enjoy myself with them, but I know what I want and what makes me happy.


If you are looking for the future, grab a Cockta and check the mirror – it is you. You and all those bold, authentic, free spiritst that have the guts, love and passion to make it happen. Cockta is there for all of you – and you are here, at the door to the future. Open it!