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Makeup transformation

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  • Cedoviste

>>It's wonderful having the power to change into anyone and anything.<<

My love for body art or illusion makeup came about completely by accident.

I always had the ability to draw, but I never took it too seriously. I love to create transformations, and I love a challenge, so I really prefer difficult transformations, since they require a lot more time, effort and skill. The best part is when my transformations amaze people and they can't understand how I did it. I like making people think.

>>My ideas appear completely at random and sometimes I wonder where they come from.<<

I'm not famous or influential, I just do what I love. But I have never been brave enough, so I advertise my transformations under the alias Cedoviste. I chose the name Cedoviste (which means childlike) after a character from a book that I love.

When recording and photographing my transformations I need a black backdrop and good lighting. That is the only way to get a good photo or video.

>>I love it when I make such a good transformation that people ask me how I did it.<<

I am glad that people enjoy my work. The ideas seem to come on their own. I get them from somewhere, but I never know exactly where. I love to create, and new ideas and new transformations make me happy, so as long as I love doing transformations, you will be able to expect the unexpected from me. It is very important to me to do what I love, so take it into your own hands and do what you love.


If you are looking for the future, grab a Cockta and check the mirror – it is you. You and all those bold, authentic, free spiritst that have the guts, love and passion to make it happen. Cockta is there for all of you – and you are here, at the door to the future. Open it!